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Lose Weight Without Exercise.


Here are 10 Tips to loose your weight.

Yes, it is possible that you can lose weight without exercise although there are some principles which should be followed such as a Balanced Diet and Self Control are the key to your success to beat Fat. There are mantras that need to be a follower and can reduce a tremendous amount of fat from your body. You Know, those persons who go to the gym to lose weight usually are not able to lose weight because they seem to make assumptions that they had worked enough and do not take control over their eating which ultimately all hard work goes to vain. There is an 80:20 ratio of  Balanced Food and Work Out. Without further a do …   

1.A Balanced Diet


A whole meal diet is a balanced diet which includes Macros as well as micros in the meal such as brown rice and dal, milk with oats, these are complex carbohydrates which are high in fiber products which will make your tummy full even in a small quantity and don't spike up your insulin level. Eating fat will not make you fat. In fact, fat is essential in your diet. Being on Diet doesn’t mean that you should not eat anything it is more dangerous than a normal eating habit. Actually, it will spike more insulin in your body and will message your brain to eat more and to store more fat in your belly.

Also read my blog on Want to Loose Weight-afraid of Gym do these Things 


2.Don’t Avoid Fats and Proteins,


In fact, fat is an essential part of your food diet. Proteins are essential. Focus on the macros - Carbohydrates (the right kind), Proteins, and Fat. Cooking medium - Butter, ghee or coconut oil. Avacado and Nut Meg and Almonds are good source of Omega Fatty Acids which helps to maintain our body. Fats and Protein all together is a good combination and is a complete food in itself and majorly fount in Non- Veg Food. But it is pertinent to mention that always try to use a good quality of fat in your food.

3. Never Skip your Meal..


The key thing is not to skip meals (as many times every one mama had said to you to eat in time often ). You need to eat four times a day: Breakfast Brunch Lunch Supper and Dinner. This is an important foundation for giving your body a nutritional rhythm." For individuals needing to lose a couple of kilos, the wellness mentor for the most part suggests decreasing their fat and sugar consumption.



4. Eat Breakfast Like a King and Dinner Like a Begger


It seems funny but it ts the key for your success and ultimately it will bring you to the verge of the success to lose weight. Never Never skip your Breakfast. Breakfast must be your favorite food and it is the power resource for your full day and keeps you energetic. And at night you should avoid eating heavy and eat less and less day by day.



5. Reduce Sugar Intake


This is the fastest way to lose weight.  The first awareness is that 90% of everything that you eat contains sugar which increases your sugar intake and is that little monster that quietly contributes to you putting on weight. The can of coke that you pick up during lunch or the pasta that you eat for dinner, or even the cereals that you have for breakfast, contains large amounts of sugar and you don't even realize it. The first thing to do every time you head to the grocery store is to check the sugar contents on the pack and the next step is to consciously avoid your regular high-sugar items.


No one can completely avoid sugar and should not also. Eating sugar in its natural form is still fine as opposed to refined sugar which is definitely bad for your health.



6. Take Proteins Diet.


You had reduced your Food intake, reduced sugar to compensate that you need to take good protein and Whey protein is highly satiating and keeps you feeling full longer. Due to this, it saves one from hunger pangs and eating unhealthy snacks. Due to this, it has proven to help in weight and fat loss.


People have been shown to consume overall fewer calories from food if they consume whey on a regular basis.


Whey protein shifts your calories requirement from high-carb and high-fat food to a lean protein source which helps in maintaining a balanced diet.


Whey protein is not only meant for people who do a heavy workout. It's advised for meeting daily protein need even for people with mild activity levels.


7. Drink Kahwa / Kada / Green Tea


Kahwa / Kada / Green Tea is trending these days after Covid as they are so bulked with health benefits as well as it also boosts metabolism and helps to overcome from shock and stress from which body is going on due to diet it has really emerged as one of the best health drinks that are out there. Several studies have shown that the massive range of antioxidants than green tea contains helps burn fat and boosts metabolism plus it comes packed with fewer calories. Right after breakfast and lunch is a good time to have it because your metabolism rate is at the highest. Green tea will ensure that it’s faster further helping you digest better. Kada/ Kahwa also helps to fights many diseases and boosts immunities and acted as a panacea in the pandemic.


8. Eat More Fruits,


Juice is often considered healthy because it’s natural but it’s important to note that it’s not a low calorie beverage. 8 ounces of orange juice for instance contains over 110 calories which is equivalent to 2 oranges. On a normal day, you’re not likely to eat 2 fruits but it’s very much possible for you to consume for than one glass of juice.


 9. Choose Water Instead of Soda


Water is naturally calorie-free. Make the habit of drinking water whenever you’re thirsty instead of your regular juices and beverages that contain high calories and sugar.


10. Morning Brisk Walk


A Brisk walk in fresh air will make your day and will catalyze you fat burn along with that sports at home with your friends and children can also consist of a small set of exercises, which will take you no more than 10 minutes each morning, just before breakfast.