Ragi-Benefits of Ragi and for weight loss
Ragi-Benefits of Ragi and for weight loss– Ragi (Finger Millet) Benefits and Side Effects
Benefits, Uses, and Disadvantages of Ragi – Ragi (Finger Millet) Benefits and Side Effects;
For better health, it is necessary to consume grains along with greens and vegetables. Consumption of grains can help in providing the necessary nutrition to the body as well as keep it away from many diseases. At the same time, when it comes to grains, ragi cannot be ignored. At the same time, ragi has been found beneficial for health in many studies. This is the reason why in this article we are going to tell the benefits of eating ragi. Here you will be able to know the benefits of Ragi on various physical problems. Also, in this article, in what ways the patient can be used, it has also been told. Apart from this, the disadvantages of Ragi are also mentioned in the article.
Let us first get some information about Ragi.
Table of contents
What is Ragi?
Benefits of Ragi.
Nutritional Elements of Ragi – Ragi (Finger Millet) Nutritional Value
Use of Ragi – How to Use Ragi (Finger Millet)
Disadvantages of Ragi – Side Effects of Ragi (Finger Millet)
Frequently asked questions:
What is Ragi?
Ragi is a staple grain grown in India as well as in various parts of Africa. Its scientific name is Eleusine coracana. It is one of the major cereals of India. Most of it is produced in the state of Karnataka in India. It is also known by many different names like – Ragi/Mandua/Mangal in Hindi and Kejhavargu in Tamil. At the same time, it is also called Ragi in Kannada and Telugu. It is rich in many essential nutrients like fiber, protein, potassium and calcium (1). Its health benefits are explained in detail further in the article.
Know further in detail the benefits of ragi related to health problems.
Benefits of Ragi
In this part of the article, the benefits of eating ragi on various physical problems have been described sequentially. At the same time, keep in mind that the consumption of ragi is not a cure for any physical problem. It can be consumed only to prevent physical problems and as a healthy food item. Now read on:
1. Ragi to Lose Weight
If we talk about the benefits of ragi, then it can also become a part of the weight loss diet. Research related to this mentions that the use of ragi can be helpful in controlling weight. Actually, it contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which can be helpful in controlling weight by reducing appetite. In addition, research mentions that ragi is a high-fiber diet, which may help reduce the risk of obesity (8). However, along with ragi, regular exercise is also necessary.
2. Anti-Inflammatory
The benefits of eating ragi can be seen in problems related to inflammation. Indeed, ragi has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects and this effect may be useful for problems associated with inflammation (such as diabetes, arthritis, allergies, heart disease, etc.) (3). In this case, ragi can be made a part of the daily diet to reduce the effects of inflammation.
3. Ragi for Diabetes
If we talk about the problem of diabetes, then ragi can be included in the diabetes diet. Actually, in research, it is found about anti-diabetic properties, which can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes (6). At the same time, it is a low glycemic food item, which can be helpful in controlling blood glucose (7). In such a situation, ragi can be considered beneficial for diabetic patients.
4. Anti-cancer
Ragi can be helpful to some extent in the prevention of cancer. Actually, some essential amino acids such as methionine, cysteine, and lysine are present in ragi, which may be helpful in preventing cancer. Not only this, the dietary fiber present in it can also help in preventing cancer.
At the same time, it is mentioned in research that it can also be helpful to some extent in reducing the risk of breast cancer (7). However, don't make the mistake of treating it as a cancer treatment, it can only help prevent cancer to some extent. At the same time, if someone has cancer, then it is very important to get medical treatment.
5. Antioxidants
If we talk about the benefits of ragi, then it is also rich in antioxidant properties (2). Indeed, ragi contains many phenolic compounds, such as tannins, polyphenols, and flavonoids, which may exhibit antioxidant effects (3). At the same time, antioxidant effects may help reduce the risk of heart disease, aging problems, and arthritis caused by free radicals (4). In such a situation, the patient's consumption of antioxidant foods can prove to be beneficial.
6. Ragi for Cholesterol
Talking about the benefits of ragi, it can also be helpful in reducing cholesterol. Cholesterol is a waxy substance present in the cells of the body. Cholesterol is also needed for the human body to function properly. However, if there is an excessive amount of cholesterol in the body, the risk of heart disease can increase (9). In such a situation, including ragi in the diet to reduce cholesterol can be a suitable option. The phytic acid and dietary fiber present in it can be helpful in reducing cholesterol (7).
7. Protein
Many nutrients are necessary for the body and protein is also one of those essential nutrients. Protein plays an important role in building and keeping muscles and bones healthy. Apart from this, protein also works to provide energy to the body (10). In such a situation, to give the necessary protein to the body, you can include ragi in your protein-rich diet. Protein is present in abundance in ragi, due to which its consumption can be beneficial for health (11).
8. For the Bones
The benefits of ragi are also great for bones. Actually, a good amount of calcium is also found in ragi. In research related to this, it is mentioned that 30 times more calcium is found in ragi than rice. At the same time, calcium is considered an essential nutrient for bones, which can maintain bone health, strengthen them and reduce the risk of breaking bones. At the same time, due to the presence of calcium, ragi is one of the healthy foods for babies, growing children, and pregnant (8). Including ragi in a calcium-rich diet can be a good option to prevent calcium deficiency.
9. For the heart
Ragi can also be consumed to keep the heart-healthy. Actually, nutrients like iron and magnesium are present in ragi, which can reduce the risk of heart attack to some extent. Apart from this, it can also reduce the risk of heart disease caused by them by controlling cholesterol and blood pressure (7). In such a situation, ragi can be included in the diet to keep the heart-healthy.
10. Ragi for Skin
The benefits of ragi are not only for health but also for the skin. In fact, the ferulic acid present in ragi can protect against skin damage caused by UV radiations. Not only this, but it also has anti-aging properties, due to which it can reduce the effect of aging on premature skin (12) (11). Ragi can be used as a face mask.
nutritional information
Now let's know about the nutritional elements of Ragi.
Nutrients of Ragi – Ragi (Finger Millet) Nutritional Value in Hindi
You already know the benefits of ragi. Now it is the turn to get information about the nutritional elements of ragi (7). Know below about the nutrients present in Ragi:
Nutrient content per 100 grams
Protein 7.7 grams
Fat 1.8 grams
Fiber 15-22.0 grams
Carbohydrate 75.0 – 83.3 g
Phosphorus 130-250.0 mg
Potassium 430-490 mg
Magnesium 78-201 mg
Calcium 398 mg
sodium 49 mg
Zinc 2.3 mg
Iron 3.3-14.89 mg
Manganese 17.61-48.43 mg
Copper 0.47 mg
Now know the things related to the use of ragi.
Use of Ragi – How to Use Ragi (Finger Millet) in Hindi
After knowing the benefits of ragi, it is obvious that you will definitely want to use it too. In this part of the article, we are giving information related to the use of Ragi. So use ragi like this:
You can eat ragi dosa.
You can eat ragi by making roti.
Ragi flour can also be used for making parathas.
Idli can be made from ragi.
You can make ragi balls also known as ragi balls.
Ragi chakli can be made.
You can use a face mask made of ragi.
Note: Talking about the quantity of ragi, there is no exact research about it. Its quantity may vary according to age. In such a situation better advice of experts should be taken in this regard. Especially, if someone has health issues.
While Ragi has its advantages, there are also some disadvantages of Ragi, which are explained below.
Disadvantages of Ragi – Side Effects of Ragi (Finger Millet) in Hindi
There is no doubt that the benefits of ragi are many, but in some cases ragi can also have disadvantages. However, these disadvantages can arise due to its excessive consumption. Although, there is a lack of precise research related to its harm, but then we are mentioning some of its possible disadvantages below as a precaution:
As we have already informed that ragi is a source of calcium. In such a situation, excessive consumption of it can cause kidney stones (13).
Fiber is also found in ragi. In such a situation, consuming more fiber-rich foods can cause stomach problems such as gas, flatulence and abdominal cramps (14).
Apart from this, if someone is allergic to ragi, then its consumption can cause allergic reactions.
So these were some of the benefits of eating ragi. It is expected that those who have not yet included this nutritious diet in the diet, they will definitely consume ragi knowing the benefits of ragi given in this article. If ragi is used in balanced quantity, then the benefits of ragi can be seen in health. In such a situation, for the benefits of ragi, include it in the diet and share this article with other people as well. Hope this article related to the benefits of ragi was helpful to you.
Frequently asked questions:
Does Ragi cause weight gain?
No, ragi can reduce or control weight (8).
Can eating ragi make you sleepy?
Consumption of ragi can be useful in the problem of insomnia. It can be helpful in good sleep by relaxing the body (1).
Can we eat ragi every day?
Ragi can be consumed as a substitute for wheat bread (8). However, due to excessive consumption, it also has some disadvantages, so every day.
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