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why should we avoid junk food

 Why should we avoid junk food

why should we avoid junk food

As the name suggests, what is junk food junk food  it is unhealthy but tasty —favorites like potato chips, Burgers  and chocolate chip cookies are typically loaded with calories, fat and salt and sugar. why junk food is unhealthy Junk foods increase the risk of early death, then how to avoid junk food


 If you have a craving for junk foods, pay attention

During the corona virus epidemic, when people were unable to go out and eat these junk foods, they were cooked and eaten a lot at home. Overall, a lot of addictive things are mixed in the junk foods of restaurants, due to which you get craving for them again and again after eating once. But consuming too much of them can be harmful for your body. These foods increase weight and increase the risk of diseases like cancer, diabetes, malnutrition, as well as make your body aging faster.While you might not be able to avoid those symptoms when you’re striving to leave junk food,  you can ease the process. Nutrition professionals offer these nine tips for leaving  your junk food addiction fixation.

1. Figure out your triggers.

Junk foods increase the risk of early death

According to a new research, eating ultra-processed foods causes your body to age faster and increases the risk of early death. Ultra processed foods are those that use a lot of oil, fat, sugar, starch, salt, and protein to make them. Usually these foods are made of refined ingredients, due to which they contain very less amount of nutrients for the body. Artificial flavours, colours, emulsifiers, preservatives and other ingredients are added to these foods while preparing them to make them tasty and beautiful as well as prevent spoilage. And all these things make them unhealthy.

By examining why do you pick up  junk food over healthy food what is the reason for choosing the Junk food . Are you rewarding yourself? Are you stressed? Are you feeling bored or lonely?

Really  is it So.“This will help you look at why you have chosen a certain food,” Sommerhalder says, “and how you can retrain yourself mentally to find other stress-relief habits or ways to reward yourself.”

why should we avoid junk food

2. Start slowly.

You will be surprised to know that excessive consumption of ultra processed foods can even change your DNA. At the European and International Conference on Obesity, scientists reported that eating more than 3 servings of ultra-processed foods a day reduces the length of telomeres at the ends of chromosomes. The shortening of telomeres is a sign of biological aging at the cellular level. This means that even though the actual age of the person is very young, the changes in his body are visible at a relatively old age. Overall, if you understand in easy language, then a person starts looking older than his age.

Begin by replacing just one snack with a healthy option — swapping crunchy snack chips with crunchy carrots, for example. Once you’ve conquered that, move on to replacing another bad item with a good item until you’ve cleared your plate of most, if not all, junk food.

“It is best to slowly make changes so you stick with them. Otherwise, you might revert back to your old habit,” it’s usually more sustainable for people to take small, rather than big, steps toward goals like giving up junk food.

“What the overall dietary pattern looks like over time is more important to health than having a ‘perfect’ day. Consistency is key, not perfection,” Yule says. “Reducing portions of the less healthy options and being more moderate about intake are good initial steps for many.”

3. Map out a plan.

Just as you should establish a budget to determine how you spend your money, you should establish a plan to determine how you spend a modest amount of junk food calories.

“Setting clear boundaries can help you gain control over your junk food habit and still allow some room for a treat now and then,” registered dietitian Suzanne Dixon says. “Nobody needs to completely swear off junk food, but cutting back can have significant benefits to your health.”

4. Switch from bad to good.

Look for ways to satisfy your cravings without sacrificing your health.

why should we avoid junk food, If you gravitate toward salty snacks, registered dietitian Nicole Hinckley recommends substituting heavily salted snacks with something like lightly salted popcorn. Have a sweet tooth? Grab a piece of dark chocolate or a piece of fruit.

5. Alter your environment.

All human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes, which contain the genetic code. The telomeres attached to these chromosomes do not carry any genetic information, but they provide stability to the chromosomes. As a person ages, their telomeres shorten due to the division of cells. But according to new research, in those who eat processed foods, these changes increase much faster than the natural pace, due to which the person starts looking old.

why should we avoid junk food, Want to eliminate the temptation to indulge in junk food? Keep it out of your home, Dixon recommends. Ditch the typical excuses like “My kids are always begging for snacks” or “My husband really likes ranch-flavored tortilla chips.”

“If it’s not there,” Dixon says of junk food, “you can’t eat it.”

why should we avoid junk food

6. Take healthy snacks with you.

Buy or assemble small packets of nuts and dried fruit. Keep apples, bananas and other portable fruit on hand. Stock the fridge with yogurt cups and individually wrapped string cheese.

Then, before you head out the door, stash a couple of those snacks in your purse or backpack.

“Be ready for hunger wherever you are,” Dixon says. “If you have something to tide you over until you can get home and make a meal, you’re less likely to hit the fast food drive-through. Don’t think of it as wasted or extra calories. Think of it as quality control for your entire dietary pattern.”

7. Know when to shop.

If you’re tired, irritated or hungry when you shop for groceries, you’re more likely to make emotionally charged or physically driven — and bad — choices, according to Dixon, and throw junk food in your cart.

why should we avoid junk food, Instead of reaching for cookies or candy in the grocery aisle, try dealing with your emotional needs by taking a walk, horsing around with your dog or relaxing in a bubble bath, Dixon recommends. Or if you must curb your hunger at the grocery store, commit to searching for a healthy snack.

8. Don’t skip meals.

Maintaining a proper schedule for meals and snacks helps regulate your blood sugar level throughout the day and enables you to pick better foods, registered dietitian nutritionist Maria-Paula Carrillo says.

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